RC CELTA DE VIGO innovates in it's youth divisons through OLIVER technology

With the aim of continuing to invest in technological innovation, Celta Lab 1923 joins forces with OLIVER technology to boost the quarry, evolve talent and deepen the digital transformation of RC Celta.
Democratizing talent evolution from performance data is the purpose of OLIVER:
Which consists of an intelligent device, the OLI. It's placed on the calf-sleeve and through a multitude of sensors, sports science and a mobile app provides key information about players' real-time performance, with the objective of improving their talent development and promoting injury prevention.
The data collected by OLIVER from the players' performance is:
Football metrics: ball kicks, kick power, ball possession and time segmented heat maps.
Athletic metrics: activity time, distance covered, segmented speed in thresholds, acceleration and decelerations, sprints and session intensity.
Health metrics: perceived effort, load monitoring and injury risk.
Ease of use is one of the key points of OLIVER: the 'OLI' device, which is placed on the calf sleeve, collects information while the player is on the field. Data is then extracted with the mobile app and automatically sent to the web platform where coaches, and club staff can see the performance of both the team and each player.
Injury prevention should begin to be treated in youth divisions, it is important to monitor loads, emotions and RPE, as they have a direct impact on their performance. Therefore, it should be noted that data obtained in the sessions is accompanied by insights and recommendations to help the player get into the process of self-knowledge.
More info: www.celtalab1923.es / www.tryoliver.com